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Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN!

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Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN! - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN!

Post  DavidMcMahon Fri Aug 07 2020, 22:08

"We keep following," Prof. Wynde snaps, "we need to know where their base is or this all has been for nothing and we turn around and leave and I can tell Churchill that the Lore Knights can't handle any job he asks of them!"

He glares at them.

"Suck it up, people!  Want do you think our boys over in Europe are facing right now?  They all living in comfortable tents with pillows and soft downy blankets and eating steaks for lunch and dinner? That German soldiers just throw flowers at them? You bunch of pantie-wasted, Springtime Heroes!"

He relents a bit.

"Boadicea, hit a farm house or home and see if you can find some sausages or something like that that can be eaten while on the move in this weather.  The rest of us will keep following. Don't take long."

ooc:  I've decided that either you got a rain fetish or it really rains like this all the time where you are.  I was reading an earlier Haunt adventure today that was in Wales and guess what?  The weather was described to be just like this!  Sleep Sleep drunken drunken
Cosmic Level

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Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN! - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN!

Post  Admin Fri Aug 07 2020, 22:59

OOC The weather is hopeless in the UK. So unpredictable. Guess what, it was supposed to be the hottest day of the year here and it was hot... and it also rained heavily, which none of my local forecasts seemed to pick up.

Bearing in mind its the height of August, Scotland has pretty much been drowned over the last few days ...

The Lore Knights were shocked into action and Boudicea sped off. The others followed the armoured personnel carrier in their own way with some assisting others.

The rain eased off a little (OOC honestly, the more north you go, the more bleached you seem to get here) and the sun set.

Boudicea caught up with the group and handed out a fry up - sandwiches whipped up at superspeed. Whilst eating hers she smiled "You can be a bit of a hard nut sometimes." to Prof Wynde.

"Sister, you don't know the half of it." said Wonder Man. "Anyone who goes in with that Churchill guy and tells him he CAN'T have what he wants is some kind of special in my book. From what little I know Churchill seems pretty hardline, but we've only been here a few days and I didn't know him before then."

"There." said Major Oak and the others moved to where he stood behind a dry stone wall and towards a valley. It was wreathed in mist and at first they couldn't see what was going on... the gaps in the mist revealed... some kind of vast factory, resembling car assembly plants in Prof Wyndes future/past. No way. It was impossible for the Nazis to have built this in days... ADVENT's stink was all over this...

The group stood about a mile away and even from here the scale was huge. Distant dots of light moved about but the smoke/steam obscured the view from the air. Only at ground level could someone see what was there...


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Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN! - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN!

Post  DavidMcMahon Sat Aug 08 2020, 03:40

"That's a lotta ... big," Prof. Wynde says looking the place over. "Now we have to figure out how to save those people, smash this place and take down the aliens running it. And after seeing what I've seen these last few days, I am convince the Advent has come back in time like the 3 of us did and are trying to change our history. They are trying to help Hitler to win. We've got to stop them cold!"

"I did tell you about the Advent and what they did in the 21st Century, right? Don't know what they look like though."

"We can't just smash in there either. They probably have movement sensors and cameras. We've got to be sneaky. And our best sneaky right now is Faerie."

He isn't sure if his teammates understand the concept of movement or motion sensors and television was just getting started so maybe the idea of cameras carrying live pictures is also a bit foggy to them.

"Faerie, since you can go down to the size of a mouse, think you can circle the outside of the base looking for a way in? Hole in the fence? Low spot under a fence or wall? Tree branch hanging over fence or wall? Those fences are probably electrified too. Heck, look for sewer or chemical run off pipes that we might be able to enter. Keep an eye out for patrols. One guy? Two guys? A squad? If it is one or two, we can try grabbing them and trying to snap them out of whatever controls them. We are going to have to hurt innocent people here but we must do our best that it is only bruises and such, nothing lethal or broken bones and such. That's going to limit us greatly until we can free them from whatever controls them."

"Too bad we are not near a forest, Major Oak, then you could have summoned some of your animal friends and had them help investigate the place. I bet squirrels and rats could get around that base easily enough. Maybe even raccoons. Get them to chew on power lines and such. Disrupt the place."

"Oh! And power sources. Are they using electricity that runs into the place? Diesel fuel generators? Something we can destroy or disrupt to take away the power from that place would be one of our objectives once inside."

"Can anyone think of anything I might have missed," he asks after reviewing the needs and goals of the mission as he knew them.
Cosmic Level

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Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN! - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN!

Post  Admin Sat Aug 08 2020, 08:01

Snaga was somewhat confused by the terms used and grumbled as he spoke "Pardon us for being thick but you are talking about things we know nothing of."

Boudicea added "Can we not just... get closer, and use the magic that got us here to put us inside the place?"

Major Oak tried to explain "We come from the future. We are seeing evidence that the people who want the Nazis to win the war are bringing their technology with them."

"But how?" asked Wonder Man. "We came through a magic cave after being chased by a Dragon...Even saying it makes me wonder the heck I've been drinking."

Faerie says "I'll do it! I'll do a mixture of flying closer and magic hopping (teleporting) and will let you know what you need to know." she said to Prof Wynde. Wonder Man was about to say something but clammed up and turned away.

Faerie turned to set off, shrunk down, gave a wave and flew off.

Wonder Man watched her go and went to stand by a tree. Major Oak walked over "She'll be fine."

"She's no fighter."

"She can look after herself." said Robbie.

"Yeah? Like you did? Kid, you're new to this, I'm not much more experienced. This is... this is war."

Major Oak bristled at the suggestion he was the weak link and turned to leave.

"Ahhh hekc don't mind me, I'm just worried about Katheryn. Sorry pal. You are just a kid and all of this must seem crazy. You ARE powerful, we just don't want to lose you... or anyone... again."

Major Oak patted the older man on the shoulder and walked over to Prof Wynde.

"How will we know if everything is ok? And what about what Fred said? How ARE they coming through from the future?" asked Robbie.


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Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN! - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN!

Post  DavidMcMahon Sat Aug 08 2020, 12:25

"I have no idea how they have managed to travel through time,' Prof. Wynde admits. "I do not think that they have used magic to do so [at this he stops and uses his Magic Sense to see if they have any around and will also let him keep track of where Faerie is in relation to the team so he keeps it going as he speaks] and I am no scientist so I have no idea how they might have discovered and built time machines."

"They either can't be all powerful and have limited resources or their alien mental make-up limits them because instead of taking over the world with overwhelming force, they used guile. Maybe that's the way they prefer to work or think - guile, blackmail, things like that. Aliens don't have to think like we do. Heck, the French don't think like we do, so why should aliens!"

He gives a chuckle.

"They've taken over the folks on this island and nearby places and use them both as a labor force and their military thinking this will hamper anyone from trying to stop them.
If Churchill knew of their capabilities and knew of this place, he wouldn't hesitate to order it bombed into atoms, captive British citizens or not! And he wouldn't be all that wrong either, to my mind."

He looks at Robbie who probably has a conflicted look on his face and then raises his voice so the others can hear him.

"Kid, this is war. This is a kind of war no one ever really expected. This is not a war of nation against nation. This is war for the freedom of the Whole Human Race! We are not really here as superheroes fighting criminals to bring them to heel so that they can go through through justice system. What we are here, today, are Freedom Fighters! Humanity's Shield against Destruction! And to save all of Humanity from generations of Slavery under the heels of oppressive Alien Overlords, things might have to be done to that will hurt a portion of Humanity."

"That includes one of us," he says, pausing to take a deep breath and making eye contact with everyone, "rushing to Churchill, if we fail here, and let him know what we have found, so that he can bomb the hell out of this place and send in tanks and artillery and troops to exterminate everyone they can find. Innocent British citizen or alien alike. It might be the only way to keep the World safe."

"I don't know if this is a saying in this time but in my time ... it goes ... WAR IS HELL!"

"Welcome to Hell, everyone."

He smiles a bit bitterly.

"While I am like you, fairly new at this super-powered, superhero thing, before that I was a solider and I experienced war. And one thing I can tell you, you go from rookie to experienced very very quickly or you die. You all have been in one fight, you survive what we do here, you can tell yourselves you are no longer rookies but the experienced ones. Wonderman, for all his saying he isn't very experienced is the most experienced of us all, which is why he is the Number Two man when it comes to leading this team. I'm number one just because I had training before putting on the costume and know more than anyone else on the team."

"And leaders get to make all the hard decisions. Whee! Anyone want to take over as leader? Step forward if you have a better way to keep the world safe."

"Snaga, movement sensors or motion sensors are machines that can sense motion. You know that scientists can record the tremble of the earth from earthquakes, right? And you know of electric eye-beams that when crossed, breaking the beam, causes an alarm or light to blink somewhere? These sensors are just much more sophisticated versions of those kinds of things."

"If you have seen any of those Buck Rogers or Flash Gordon movie serials, you probably saw scenes where the bad guys are viewing the good guys from a distance through a machine with a screen so that they can send troops or robots or whatever after them. That's basically what a security camera is. With today's technology, it probably looks like a very small motion picture camera that is usually mounted up on the corner of a building or along the top of a fence. It could be fixed so it can only look in one direction or it could be mounted on some sort of mechanical swivel so it can "sweep" an area in a regulated way, just like a security guard walking a specific path. It's probably about the size of a large shoebox."

"Those of you with Magic Sense, if you haven't already, you could try using it to keep track of Faerie's movements," he continues, offering them a way to keep busy. "And don't most of you have some way of knowing when a fellow Lore Knight is in trouble? Pay attention to your feelings. It's the best way to help her."

He moves over to Wonderman, "and leaders get to worry about everyone," he says softly, "and pretend that they don't, even if they don't have the sense the others do. It's the best way to keep their morale up. Not that I was ever a great leader in the Army."

Cosmic Level

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Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN! - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN!

Post  Admin Sat Aug 08 2020, 20:32

OOC Nice post!

Wonder Man nodded, head bowed. "Fair enough. She's a big girl, she can take care of herself."

"I hope." he added with a grin.

Prof Wynde turned and concentrated... and detected magic at the heart of that facility somewhere!

He couldn't tell what kind - whether living or an artifact, or how powerful, but *something* in there was magic, definitely. He also detected Faerie flying through the darkness around the perimeter fence which appeared to have towers every five metres or so and were manned, possibly by a couple of guards apiece. Without night vision and telescopic goggles (OOC Haunt would have no problem!) he was basically in the dark!

Snaga came over to Prof Wynde. "We'll do our jobs with you as leader. For me if this guy comes back from France, don't matter none. I'll still follow you." he walked away into the darkness and watched out for Faeries return.

OOC Just looked. Unfortunately Faerie doesn't have Stealth... That said anyone who does detect her may be looking for a human sized foe...

Perception 5 + 4 (unskilled in stealth target) + Roll(2d12)+0: 10,8,+0 Total:18 (27) vs
Dex 5 + Shrinking 8 + Roll(2d12)+0: 7,5,+0 Total:12 (25)
+2 (to 11) vs RV13= Perception check failed!

"Where can she be?" muttered Boudicea, fumbling with her spear. Faerie had gone minutes by now.

Prof Wynde saw Wonder Man crouching in the dirt, scooping handfuls and smearing it on his face. "I'm going inn after her." said Wonder Man. "Don't give me any speeches about leader this, that, I know! I just can't sit here waiting whilst she might be in tr..."

Suddenly Faerie appeared in the middle of their group and Wonder Man cried out, falling backwards into the wet mud!

Seeing him with mud on his face and his behind caused Faerie to titter and cover he laughs with her mouth and she turned to Prof Wynde.

"The place is surrounded by a fence around fifteen feet high. Barbed wire on the top and a strange buzzing near it. I saw some insects spark when they touched it. Every fifteen or twenty feet is a thin tower which is pretty much a ladder to a platform. It holds the fence up and there is a guard in each tower with a mean looking gun which I never saw before." she explained with the others moving in as Major Oak pulled Wonder Man up as the hero smiled and blushed. Faerie continued. "There is a corner, here..." she walked to the dry stone wall and peered over then pointed to what would be the opposite left corner from where they stood, around a mile or more away.

"A lot of rocks are built up in that part of the valley and there are less sentry towers there because they'd be looking at rock. All sorts of vehicles are moving around in there that I didn't see before. The buildings are all black but... something weird. Sometimes they appeared silver if the moon shone on them. I think they... change colour?"

That would make them hard to spot from the sky!

"There are regular patrols like those horrible robot things that hurt Fred!" she added, hand to mouth and eyes wide, then added "I mean Wonder Man."

"That thing sure packed a punch for sure." he admitted.

"And there are lots of the armoured suits walking around. Villagers, but I didn't detect them as evil. There IS someone evil in there though, and magic of some kind but I couldn't tell what."


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Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN! - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN!

Post  DavidMcMahon Sat Aug 08 2020, 21:01

"Me either, just powerful magic," Prof. Wynde admitted. "Sometimes being able to detect magic is wonderful but not knowing what kind is a pain in the behind."

Then he looks over at Wonderman's muddy butt and snickers. Then ducks the casual swing Wonderman sends him.

"Let's move over to the rocks and figure out what we can do from there. If we can't come up with a plan soon, we may have to wait for another patrol and try to capture them instead."
Cosmic Level

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Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN! - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN!

Post  Admin Sun Aug 09 2020, 20:14

The group stayed low and Faerie teleported them to certain spots she'd found where they could observe the camp...

As she'd mentioned, the buildings were all square metal prefabbed. To Prof Wynde's eye it looked like a modern (21st century at least) set up and the fork lifts/vehicles they used hummed along with an electric whirr.

Clearly ADVENT had no interest in the timeline being corrupted!

As he crouched alongside in the bushes Wonder Man whispered. "Be easy enough to get in. Everyone can jump or fly over that fence and we can get a closer look. The problem as I see it is that the more of us there are, the more chance we'll get found out. I'm no expert, but I'm sneaky enough. Snaga and Boudicea seem pretty sneaky. What say the three of us go in and you watch with the other kids outside? We'll report right back once we know what we're looking at."

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Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN! - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN!

Post  DavidMcMahon Sun Aug 09 2020, 22:27

"Wonderman, Major Oak, either of you see any cameras?  Probably be in the corners or up on the guard posts, maybe the underside of them," Prof. Wynde asked.  "I find it hard to believe that they are relying only on the guard patrols.  I think we are missing something here.  And that something could get the whole base up in arms if we trip it."

He was actually very unsure of what to do here.  There was some strong magic in the center of the base.  Most if not all the folks down there were being controlled somehow and he still had no idea how they were being controlled so he had no idea how to snap them out of it.  He also had no idea how many aliens were actually on the base either.

Wonderman was right, it would be easy to get on the base IF there were no cameras or sensors out there.  If there were, it would probably be one giant trap to go in.  If they were in a dead spot with no cameras or sensors, maybe they could swarm the next patrol that came by?  They would have to be quick though otherwise the patrol might get a radio message off and alert the whole base. He keeps scanning, looking for any tech that could be used as alarms more than the electric fence.

ooc:  I'm sort of thinking I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't here.  I don't know if I am overthinking the fears of Prof. Wynde or am properly justified.  So it really is blocking me on what to do next.
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Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN! - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN!

Post  Admin Mon Aug 10 2020, 05:39

The Lore knights weren't too sure just what it was they were looking for but Major Oak and Prof Wynde were.

"There. Corner of every building, and on every tower. Someone knows what's going on in this place." said Major Oak.

"I can teleport us all to wherever I can see but chances are they have covered every inch of this place with cameras!" said Faerie.

"I don't get how they can fit that small dome thing into such a tiny space and you say it's a camera? I messed about with miniaturising stuff for my job but that is WAY beyond what I could do." admitted Wonder Man.

Snaga rolled his neck. "Only one thing for it!"

Boudicea rolled her eyes "Here it comes..." she muttered.

"Me and Car... Wonder Man assault one side of the compound. We smash, bash, crash, make a mess. They come running. One or two of you join in to help us, they send more in. Then a couple of you get in there. Teleport, whatever. It doesn't even matter if they see you if me and Wonder Man can knock some heads in."

"You can't hurt the people in those suits! They are innocent!" argued Faerie.

"Aye, they are, and in war innocents die. Would you rather the RAF bomb this place? We can use restraint, punch instead of using our weapons. If we do nothing whatever they are building here will spread. They will use our own people against us as weapons!" said Snaga.

"Something else to consider. The few times we battled some of these things they exploded, because they don't want to fall into enemy hands. If we put someone down we only have a limited amount of time to get them out of there..." said Wonder Man.

"I guess I can teleport someone out of the suit if they are unconscious..." offered Faerie. "Otherwise it's harder, like they are resisting..."

Boudicea shrugged. "It's as good a plan as any. Stealth is all well and good but when the sneakiest among us is a hairy oaf with a great big axe you know are options are limited."

Snaga grinned. "I don't know why but I can move quickly and quietly."

Wonder Man exhaled, stared at the vast sprawling compound and all the guards, vehicles and occasional stomping robots and turned to Prof Wynde. "What do you think?"

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Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN! - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN!

Post  DavidMcMahon Mon Aug 10 2020, 11:26

"Teleport ... teleport ... teleport," Prof. Wynde mumbles on the edge of an idea.

He concentrates his magic sense again trying to place the magic he felt earlier. It was near the center. A main building probably. Which one was it? That one or that one?

"Faerie, can you teleport us to the top of that building," pointing out the one with the magic in it. "Maybe we can teleport there to a spot the cameras don't see? Anyone spot any cameras there?"

actions: If there seems to be no cameras covering the roof of the building with the magic in it, teleport to there and try to enter that way.
Cosmic Level

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Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN! - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN!

Post  Admin Tue Aug 11 2020, 17:07

OOC the buildings are large square two storey warehouses of the 21st century style. Light, strong and fast to put up. There are cameras on the roof, on the corners of each building and on each watchtower. Prof Wynde doesn't think they can get onto the roof without being seen by someone. There are also other structures like water towers - six in all spaced out evenly. Prof Wynde doesn't know for sure but they may open up to be AA guns... ADVENT style AA guns... against 1940s aircraft? It would be a massacre!

Faerie frowns. "There are those small dome things all over the place." she pondered. "I could... get up close to one of the buildings and sneak in there, find somewhere to teleport safely then arrive back here without any issue. The problem will be getting in without detection."

"Oh come on now hold on a sec!" said Wonder Man. "Surely one of us should be taking a turn here at risking our necks?"

He turned to Snaga. "You ready to bash some heads together?"

Snaga raised an eyebrow. "Just cause you're sweet on the lassie don't mean you can or should protect her from the world. She's a Lore Knight, the choice is hers."

"You'd rather let a lady take all the risks then?" said Wonder Man. Snaga bristled, his axe forming up in his hands and he snarled "Let the woman decide... but if you ever want to try anything... well you saw how I chopped that robot up laddie. Mind yer tongue."

Faerie looked a little put out by Fred's over protection and pointedly swung away from him to face Prof Wynde. "I'm ready to try it." she said.

Wonder Man threw up his hands and stormed off to crouch next to the dry stone wall to watch the base.

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Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN! - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN!

Post  DavidMcMahon Tue Aug 11 2020, 19:27

"Those domes are where the cameras are," Prof. Wynde says, pointing them out to everyone.  And those towers appear to be Ack-Ack guns, probably more sophisticated and faster and more accurate firing than anything around now.  They could probably shot a mile or more into the air."

"Looks like you will have to try to sneak towards that building with the magic in it, Faerie.  But ... to increase your odds I think we want to do it when the sun is at your back.  That way any camera facing your way might be a bit blinded and anyone looking out a window in your direction would be blinded too.  Same idea that pilots have, diving out of the Sun, to hide themselves from their foes to get a surprise attack in."

"So we need to be on the west side of the base and as the sun starts to gets to around mid-afternoon, that's the time to try it.  We can find somewhere to rest while we wait, making sure to have a guard on duty at all times, though."

ooc:  Not sure time of day.  It may already be mid-afternoon so we can mostly ignore my last two sentences if so and go now.
Cosmic Level

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Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN! - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN!

Post  Admin Wed Aug 12 2020, 18:24

OOC it's getting dark. If you want to wait for the sun (it is occasionally sunny in Scotland but not often. Right now there are flash floods and a months rain in 24 hours for example).

"That's good thinking." said Wonder Man. "We should wait till sun up and make a move. Still think we can help with an attack but we can try the sneaky way first."

He stalked off to go sit on his own and Snaga reached out a hand. "Don't!" said Wonder Man. "You may be a tough guy with that axe but if you threaten me again I'll take it off you and poke it somewhere you'll not soon forget in a hurry." he leaned in to the taller man. "Are we clear Snaga?"

Snaga snarled, bristling, and Boudicea moved in. "We're all friends here. THEY are the enemy. Save it!"

"Ahhh forget it." said Wonder Man and he leapt away, bounding into the darkness.

"Where's he going?" asked Major Oak. "He's probably the best all rounder! If he goes we're in trouble!"

Faerie watched him go then crossed her arms and went to stand at the dry stone wall looking down into the valley at the sprawling enemy base.

Snaga sighed. "Arrrgh. I didn't mean to rile him. I'll apologise when he comes back."

Boudicea turned to Prof Wynde and leaned in "If we're waiting till morning maybe we should post guards and find a farmhouse for everyone else to get their head down. We know they are all empty by now." she added with a glance towards the base. "Plus it may give a chance for some of the hotter heads to cool down."

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Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN! - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN!

Post  DavidMcMahon Wed Aug 12 2020, 19:35

Snaga sighed. "Arrrgh. I didn't mean to rile him. I'll apologize when he comes back."

Boudicea turned to Prof Wynde and leaned in "If we're waiting till morning maybe we should post guards and find a farmhouse for everyone else to get their head down. We know they are all empty by now." she added with a glance towards the base. "Plus it may give a chance for some of the hotter heads to cool down."

"Good idea, Boudice," Prof. Wynde replies.  "Let's find one that isn't in direct line of sight.  Once we have one, I will go get Wonderman and bring him in.  Maybe the rest of you can round up some more food.  I bet there are cows that need milking and would love for someone to take care of that chore.  Eggs to gather, etc."

ooc:  Once they find a place, he will use his Magic Sense to sense the ring Wonderman wears to find him.  Talk to him for a bit before bringing him back to the farm.
Cosmic Level

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Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN! - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN!

Post  Admin Wed Aug 12 2020, 20:00

With Snaga left watching the ADVENT/Nazi complex and the others in search of a farm - they found one a couple of miles away - Prof Wynde detected the magic ring Wonder Man wore and flew to find him.

He was perched on the top of a large hill overlooking the valley where the Nazi complex was, ignoring the winds that blew at him and he glanced at Prof Wynde arriving with his own wind.

"Spare me." he said, turning back. "I was wrong. Snaga was right. I'll apologise." he muttered.


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Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN! - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN!

Post  DavidMcMahon Thu Aug 13 2020, 12:12

"Yes and no," Prof. Wynde said, seating himself. "You're of the age were it is a "Man's Duty and His Right to Protect Women and Children". The thought of a woman in harm's way is abhorrent to you. I understand that. It actually is to me as well, even in the 21st Century, the age of equality. I still want to protect women, children, the aged and the infirmed. I guess that's what makes us super-heroes, not the gaudy costumes or powers but the desire to stand in the path of danger to keep everyone else safe."

"But this war that we are just at the start of .... women are going to leave their homes in droves while their men are off fighting. Many of them are going to on or near the front lines. Those women in captured countries are already on the front lines. And a woman caught is treated very differently than a man caught, in many cases. The thought gives me nightmares."

"And let's face it, women, in general, are physically weaker than men. A woman trained in Karate going up against a man trained equally well in Karate is going to lose many more times than not, many many more times. It's why most women who gain powers and put on costumes in this coming age, tended to be sidekicks and junior partners or belong on teams. Some super-heroines go solo because they have much greater power than most superheroes. Some solo and fight street level villains because their skills and powers are just good enough to face such kinds of crooks and not lose in a fight ... mostly."

"Faerie is not someone who would survive as a solo superheroine. But she isn't alone, she is on a team. There are things she can do that we can't and things we can do that she can't. Worry about her all you want but let her do her thing. Just be ready to ride to the rescue."

He smiles.

"Same for Boadicea. She's tough and powerful and has had experience in the dangerous parts of the world prior to becoming a Lore Knight but still a woman that any man would want to protect. Any decent man that it."

"So go apologize to everyone and then take some time to explain to Faerie why you are an idiot and that you are not going to change and plan to remain an idiot but one who will be a little more mindful of what he says. OK?"
Cosmic Level

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Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN! - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN!

Post  Admin Thu Aug 13 2020, 13:37

"You're a wise man my friend." said Wonder Man, patting Prof Wynde on the shoulder. "You should find time to..."

A klaxon drew their attention at the site below. Lights came on all over the complex, soldiers started running about everywhere. Vehicles started patrolling, the guards in the towers were on high alert!

"What's going on? Have we been discovered? Have the others tripped some sort of trap?" asked Wonder Man.

They watched as a silo style building presumably holding fuel or similar opened up. It wasn't holding fuel. A rocket/missile appeared in view and steam started rising around it.

"Great scott!" said Wonder Man. "What on earth is that?"

A countdown - in German - started.

OOC you are around 1/4 mile away on a ridge overlooking the place....

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Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN! - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN!

Post  DavidMcMahon Thu Aug 13 2020, 17:11

"Rocket," Prof. Wynde says quickly. "Germans aren't supposed to launch their first versions until sometime in 1944, even though they are supposed to have working models now. What little I can see of this one, it is a more advanced version with a greater payload. Get the others here quickly!"

ooc: Okay questions on Air Control. I can create a huge wave of air to blow things away like poison gas. I can create a tornado like I did back in Wales to carry aloft things and drop them. But can I send out one strong gust of wind and from how far away can I do it?

I'm thinking of hitting it with a blast of wind at its nose or tail as it lifts free of its silo but before it starts to gain a great deal of speed, strong enough to overcome its gyroscope causing it to spin to the ground or ocean, crashing it and maybe exploding its payload. I prefer it fall away from the base so as to not hurt the civilians that are forced to work there. If I can do it from here or a bit closer but keeps us in hiding and the darkness covers the wind blast so that it could be assumed a freak wind shear that's what I want to try to do. If you ever seen any of the old American attempts at rockets after WW2, you know what I'm looking at.

Here's a couple of vids of those
Cosmic Level

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Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN! - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN!

Post  Admin Sat Aug 15 2020, 18:45

Wonder man spluttered..."Get the others...? What are you going to do?"

He saw the serious expression on Prof Wyndes' face and shrugged. "On my way!" he declared and bounded off into the night.

Prof Wynde turned to see the rocket lifting clear of the silo...

OOC Range for the power is 'normal' which means APs. That sticks in my throat somewhat as a) You should have to pay for greater range and b) DC Heroes as written doesn't have any range penalties. Ohhhh it's on my list o stuff to fix!!!

Prof Wynde has 10APs of power. He can use it up to a mile away without range penalty unless there is an active Opposing Value trying to avoid his 'attack'.

This missile has a speed of 10APs. You can effectively negate its flight or influence its path (which it would then 'fight' against and try to get back on course). You can even stop it from exiting the silo if you wish.

Prof Wynde has a problem. As this thing gets further away he will get out of range and won't catch it. He can steer it towards the sea (in either directions a few miles) but with a 10AP range its out of range in 4-8 seconds.


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Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN! - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN!

Post  DavidMcMahon Sat Aug 15 2020, 19:17

OOC:  I think there are range penalties for sight distance but not sure on that.  A mile or half mile or something like that.  But then again, lots of fights are in cities not out in the country and if the person or thing is around a corner, you wouldn't be able to target him or it without some kind of special vision or sense so that's probably why there are no range penalties.  You just like to put us out into the open where we don't have to worry about stuff like that.     I love you  tongue  pig

If Prof. Wynde is in range, no penalties, he will attempt to do a wind blast to either damage it or knock it off course into the ocean.  Whichever he has the better chance of doing.  If not, move up until he is and attempt the above. He still wants to stay out of sight so it looks like a lucky shear of wind doing the attack and not a person, if at possible.

If he misses, he is hoping Faerie can teleport him and maybe some of the others into its pathway so we can try to destroy it then.
Cosmic Level

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Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN! - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN!

Post  Admin Sun Aug 16 2020, 14:38

OOC Prof Wynde can minimise the range penalty by getting up close to the missile but it is moving away, OV10 (it's speed) from Prof Wynde and has a head start.

Prof Wynde took to the sky and shot up into the air.

The missile was already up and away, its technology decades in advance of anything the world had right now and it had the stamp of ADVENT all over it from it's sleek construction to the matt black paint and marking free exterior.

A quarter of a mile away from it already and it's orange flare was getting more distant.

OOC Ok, quarter mile is 8APs. You are looking at at 18 OV/10RV with your Air Control 10. You can buy dice but your best bet would be to buy dice then PUSH your Air Control to get more APs to use. 1RAP will see its course altered, more can slow the thing down or even point it into the sea (as it would spend most of its thrust and effort trying to get back on course)


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Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN! - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN!

Post  DavidMcMahon Sun Aug 16 2020, 16:38

Cosmic Level

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Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN! - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN!

Post  Admin Sun Aug 16 2020, 22:19

OOC Prof Wynde PUSHES his Air Control...

GO FOR BROKE +4/-6 Air Con 10 + 2D from HP (cost 13HP*) + Roll(4d12)+0: 8,6,4,12,+0 Total:20 (30) vs OV10 + 4 GFB + Roll(2d12)+0: 9,1,+0 Total:10 (24)
+3 (to 13) vs RV10 -6 so RV4=9RAPs.

Air Control is boosted to 19APs for one round.

Pushing his power harder, stronger, more powerful than he had ever done before, Prof Wynde flew up high into the sky and thrust out his hands at the missile! He soared through the sky like a missile, forming the air in front and behind and preventing a sonic boom from announcing where he was whilst following the bright flare of the missiles engine and reeling it in to a range of 100 yards or so... then he thrust the last of his dying power at the missile as he saw the dark sea ahead!

OOC Air Control 19 + Roll(2d12)+0: 10,12,+0 Total:22 (41) vs
OV10 (speed of missile) + range 5 + Roll(2d12)+0: 5,11,+0 Total:16 (31)
+4 (to 23) vs RV10=13 RAPs

Prof Wynde grasps a hand out, flexes it into a fist then slams it down in the air! The missile flipped up, spun to point down and FWASH! It dived into the sea where it vanished with a hiss and white widening wake!

The hero breathed out, feeling the extra effort leave him and feeling strangely weak compared to that huge potential he'd tasted. He looked back at the distant compound... and heard the roar of jet engines as VTOL fighters lifted from buildings in the compound... rising up in the darkness... then jetting forwards... to target Prof Wynde!

OOC you have three jet fighters heading for you!


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Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN! - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Wynde issue #2 - Well, actually it's #1 with the LORE KNIGHTS and WONDERMAN!

Post  DavidMcMahon Mon Aug 17 2020, 01:07

Dive to the ground and try to hide in the ground clutter.
Cosmic Level

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