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Post  Steeple_jackuk Thu Nov 07 2013, 17:04

Dunecat thanks for the Rules overview, your right about what the players need.  Informative read through of information thanks for that.  

Cosmic Level

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Post  Steeple_jackuk Sun Feb 24 2013, 09:05

Wow so stoked about where we're going with this.

Ok so firstly I need to get a copy of Blood of the Heroes, to roll up a Character? or can I get a PDF or something?

I'm interested in the reboot several years later, sounds great. I love that in the past we often were disadvantaged on account of not knowing very much, but that over time as we grew so did our knowledge and the game developed accordingly.

Anyway want to refine some of Frostbites powers along the new options. So will try and take a look at that. As regards to Lionheart, it would be great to put him in another unusual situation. Perhaps working for the 'bad' guys as a government agent trying to bring down Frostbite, Dave's new Anyman and Sentinel and whoever else is about. Only later does their shared history come up or something. Also given that Benthan survived the moon disaster on account of his clones, I assume he will continue to take a hand in trying to shape the future, that we arrive back in.

Lionheart I am happy being what he is, not sure how we convert him over to DC heroes, but otherwise am ok with him being what he is. Frostbite I am largely happy with, keeping his computer brain, like the interface idea, intangibility, I've always appreciated his cold manipulation as a back up to his blast powers, which have been quiet week and his strength as a back up to that. But a lot of that was about working around the limitations of GH. I am not sure if the same things apply to DC heroes and if that isn't the case imagine him being something like:

Flight - fast as a car at least
tough skin - ice skin, immune to cold but vulnerable to heat
intangibility - basic, slip through stuff
energy blast, cold - but depends on how energy is worked out in game hence back up of
Energy manipulation - which gave me a simple attack to fall back on, but keen to keep the idea that Frostbite is a cold manipulation type of guy.

After this both characters shared different history as soldiers and Joe Rig was into computing and working on a project for the Government.

Anyway so be interested in knowing what options are open to me and if Lionheart can be largely ported over as is.

What do you think Paul?

Cosmic Level

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Post  DavidMcMahon Sat Feb 23 2013, 00:41

Looking for a look between the Spectre and Mr. Justice. Send you a pic of him in a bit. Looky for that pale maybe bluish skin, long flowing spooky cape, ghostly/death-like mein kind of thing.

Now if I can just get Frostbite to put a cold snap in the air as he appears so it feels like he came straight from the cold depths of the grave when he appears. cheers

There was a Western character called the Ghost Rider, like in ME comics, in the '50s. He basically used a magic lantern and misdirection to convince crooks he was an untouchable ghost in order to bring them to justice.

You guys aware the Digital Comics Museum? Has many of the golden age comics that are now in public domain. Mr. Justice appeared in Jackpot Comics by the publisher MLJ, who later became Archie Comics. There are a few Canadian and British comics there as well. Here's the link:
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Post  Admin Sat Feb 23 2013, 00:37

Steeple_jackuk wrote:Wow Dave clearly your muse is in full swing. Not sure that I will do this at all. IN fact one of the appeals to me is just that Frostbite has been an underpowered hero in an overpowered world. When he was first around, like Peter Parker he had all sorts of really hard times, that powers alone just could not deal with (though it might have helped Wink Rolling him up using the random method made him woefully underpowered. He had low stats, therefore low health and his powers were all the wrong ones for optimisation.

But along the way Paul, showed me some kindness and he mutated that and the dark power left him a lot more substantial as a hero and its that hero I am looking forward to catching back up with. In one sense I hope both Joe's the old and the new can co exist in some way, perhaps bouncing back and forth between the world after ww2, what came next and the present.

But I think I'd like to keep the continuity as I feel too invested in that, to start over again. Now as regards to Lionheart, that is a different matter. He was always Paul's character that I cheerfully played (never as well, I might add, I can do pathos but humour is a bit hit and miss) but I still enjoy playing him and hope to continue to run both characters as before. What will be interesting is also to see what happens to Frostbite's computer also known as Frostbot when he has a robot to occupy? Will there be any such thing if the world is righted let alone, will Frostbite even have powers as he got them from the dark powers in the first place?


When the Dark power 'granted' the powers to the characters in the first place, all it did was activate the latent superhuman genes in the body. He could always use his frostbite abilities even when the Dark Power wasn't available. Not everyone had that gene, and not everyone would have used it for good, which made Frostbite, Stormwarden, Darkshadow, Putty, Kitten (and Sky Eagle, for a brief time) special, as they had that gene AND could form a symbiotic relationship with the Dark Power without ageing rapidly and crumbling to dust (as happened with the evil Dark power symbiotes)

Frostbite has grown quite a bit since the early (faltering) days when we discovered just how awful dice could be to you Dave Smile We can work the multiple personalities into the character without problem. heck, maybe he could have days when one takes charge and the main one steps back, but they are all heroic, and none of them are whacky so there may not be much difference between them.

With regards Lionheart, you've actually played him longer than ever got to, so anything you want to change or add/amend or whatever - feel free. He's your character though I'll admit I used him as a story prop in places (especially for Saladin and Bentham/Trowers storylines). In this new continuity I figure:

1) Lionheart wasn't in the Executive - I still plan to use some of those guys in cameos and supporting cast
2) Lionheart hasn't been in this era of Earth yet - he came from the future, into nazi ovverrun England, then went into the past, now into the future (our present)
3) His mission (stop Saladin, and then later, stop Bentham and Trowers) was a success as far as he could manage. He helped save the world, restored the time line of his previous world and steps into this new world as a blank, clean slate. He has no money, no job, no mission. He's his own man, and more powerful than he ever was in his original incarnation. That only puts him in the 'upper tier' of powerful superhumans though, rather than being top dog as he was in 1941

With regards Frostbite, he has Frostbot along who would normally reside in a cybernetic chestplate (oooh, those whacky dice) This time round Frostbot is in a robot that can become modular - detaching the head dome to attach to Frostbites chest, using a robotic body to get around and so on. Frostbot can easily be bought as a gadget or a pet, or simply higher intelligence for Frostbite, with the Recall power (photographic memory) and ability to interface with gadgets (can't remember what that is off top of my head. Oh, it's the Interface power in Blood of Heroes. That's handy.)

Chat about the game... Interface

All that means is you touch a gadget and take control of it. Artificially intelligent robots and computers would need something else, but for your common or garden car, robot, tv set etc, a simple touch will suffice.

More later, sack time now!

Cheers, Paul

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Post  Admin Sat Feb 23 2013, 00:18

Yup I was thinking Catastrophic fear (needing a roll of 18 or more on 2d10 to overcome) of Acid. Charisma/Intimidation is a subskill and he'd probably have the strange appearance drawback. He can change his form, of course, but in his natural state he'd be pretty scary.

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Post  DavidMcMahon Sat Feb 23 2013, 00:15

Thanks. Was feeling very creative.

Haven't looked too much at disadvantages and advantages but I would like to get Intimidation for an advantage and Fear of Acid as a Disad.
And if I remember my DC hero rules, the points you are giving us puts us a bit stronger than most Teen Titans too who were mostly in the 750-1000 point range?
Cosmic Level

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Post  Admin Fri Feb 22 2013, 23:56

Wow! You've been busy David! Right, read your origin, all looks good. So he's Anyman no longer, but the Haunt from now on!

With regards character creation you guys (Frostbite, Anyman, Sentinel, Lionheart) have been going for quite a while. I intend to base characters on the following points:

Lionheart - 1500
Frostbite, Haunt, Silver Sentinel - 1250
Two new characters - 1000

I've invited a couple of people over from another board I frequent, and both know the DC heroes game rules very well. I'll brief them on post costs and power range. Basically think lower tier of the Justice league, or mid tier of the Avengers. Lionheart was always a special case, being the most powerful non dark power character, but somewhat overshadowed by the others once they'd got their world stomping powers. In this era he'll be powerful, but certainly nowhere near the most powerful character.

Unless anyone has any objections I'll be basing the game several years on from where Frostbite and Stormwarden originally started the game. In that the British and European governments had outlawed unregistered superhumans and the state sponsored teams would go out to hunt down all superhumans, good or bad. Things have moved on since then. There'll be a few names Dave E recognises, but it's basically a restart so anyone new to the game won't feel disadvantaged.

Plan to do plenty of set up and character creation over the weekend so check in when you can!

Just so you know, I'll be using the DC Heroes 3rd edition book and picking bits from the Blood of Heroes game (which is sort of tweaked 3rd edition with a few more options, no DC license and some truly horrible art. One thing I would say is that its a bargain on Amazon - 15 quid delivered in the UK and the book is an inch thick. It's the same rules, tweaked, so fully compatible with DC Heroes 3rd edition as far as I can tell)

Will get some characters posted up over the weekend, and start moving the Darkening Shadows posts into an Archive section of the site.

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Post  DavidMcMahon Fri Feb 22 2013, 21:52

A lot of what I am doing is because Anyman doesn't really have all the back baggage Frostbite does. When you guys first met him in the British Nazi Future he had just woken up with no memory of who or what he was and he became Putty. And he wasn't Putty for that long either before we all went into the past and occupied new bodies that had their own personalities and Lance Allard took over and Putty stayed in the background. The power set stays mostly the same for each universe though.

I think it is absolutely fine for Frostbite to remember "EVERYTHING!!!". And the new Anyman knows nothing. It will make for some fun interactions when we first meet up.
Frostbite: "Hey! Anyman! Old Chum!" goes to hug him
Anyman: "Get off, you creep! I'm not into that kind of stuff! Who the hell are you?"

I was thinking of changing his name in the new universe as well but the name I came up with I'm planning to use in the superhero novel I am still planning to write someday. It will be an anthology series starring: Maestro, Mr. I. M. Bored, Somebody, Marsh Hawk and the Iconoclast. And maybe one or two other heroes that I orignally planned to introduce in book two - mainly the Mythic and Samson.

"Somebody" is going to be my misunderstood shapechanging monster who tries to do good. So I don't want to use that here for Rush King's hero name.

Chameleon is used way too often so I don't want to use that. If anyone else can come up with a cool name for a shapechanging, stretching hero give me a buzz!

I suppose I could be the Chameleon but stick a color in front of it. The Green Chameleon! The Blue Chameleon!

Oooh! How about ... The Haunt!

Instead of bandages on my head, I could dress all spooky-like, like DC's Spectre! Pretend to be some kind of supernatural hero when my powers are actually science-based!

I like that! I could rig some trick lighting into the costume or just have some smoke pellets with me, so I can seem to appear in a room out of a mystic smoke cloud when in reality I just ooze under the door frame and then step out of the smoke! And I can do the spooky gravelly voice!

a: to have a disquieting or harmful effect on : trouble <problems we ignore now will come back to haunt us>
c: to reappear continually in <a sense of tension that haunts his writing>
a: to visit or inhabit as a ghost

Okay! That's the new plan. Anyman in the new universe become The Haunt!! The powerful spectre that hunts EVIL!!!!!

Which means, he will also need a few points in some kind of stage magic skill set so he can do slight of hand and disappearing tricks.

I hope Frostbite and Silver Sentinel take a few other new skills as well. Magic knowledge, Science, Military Knowledge - something like that.

I expect Silver Sentinel is going to get more powerful too with the DC rules
Powers possible: Projectile Weapons [firing metal from his own body]
Sealed Systems
Skin Armor or Invulnerability
Systemic Antidote - metal form limited immunity to chemical, acid and drug type attacks.
Density Increase
Matter Manipulation or Matter Control - over metals

For Frostbite - there are a number of ice/weather kind of powers in the rules too. So while we might get more powerful in one sense, we will be a lot less powerful than we were with the Dark Powers.
Cosmic Level

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Post  Steeple_jackuk Fri Feb 22 2013, 14:14

Wow Dave clearly your muse is in full swing. Not sure that I will do this at all. IN fact one of the appeals to me is just that Frostbite has been an underpowered hero in an overpowered world. When he was first around, like Peter Parker he had all sorts of really hard times, that powers alone just could not deal with (though it might have helped Wink Rolling him up using the random method made him woefully underpowered. He had low stats, therefore low health and his powers were all the wrong ones for optimisation.

But along the way Paul, showed me some kindness and he mutated that and the dark power left him a lot more substantial as a hero and its that hero I am looking forward to catching back up with. In one sense I hope both Joe's the old and the new can co exist in some way, perhaps bouncing back and forth between the world after ww2, what came next and the present.

But I think I'd like to keep the continuity as I feel too invested in that, to start over again. Now as regards to Lionheart, that is a different matter. He was always Paul's character that I cheerfully played (never as well, I might add, I can do pathos but humour is a bit hit and miss) but I still enjoy playing him and hope to continue to run both characters as before. What will be interesting is also to see what happens to Frostbite's computer also known as Frostbot when he has a robot to occupy? Will there be any such thing if the world is righted let alone, will Frostbite even have powers as he got them from the dark powers in the first place?

Cosmic Level

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Post  DavidMcMahon Fri Feb 22 2013, 13:22

Oooh! I just thought of this one when I got to work today ...
How about an alien doctor using humans as his experimental subjects for his own people. Bypassing the heavy beaurcracy of his home world by doing so. Humans are a close enough genetic match for his people, just like monkeys and rats are for us, to do such experiments. What a Face

So he is an alien Good Samaritan trying to help his people and save lives by experimenting on humans! Huh? Sound good? bounce
And maybe not so choosy on which humans, as long as they are good genetic matches, he uses so he winds up creating a few super-villians too. But doesn't do it for evil purposes!
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Post  DavidMcMahon Fri Feb 22 2013, 03:35

One thing I didn't mention is the good doctor's motivation. Is he a Good Samaritan, motivated to bring forth more heroes to block some future danger? Is he a spy, sent to create a hero so that the hero will unknowingly give lots of information to some enemy group about all other heroes? Is he a villain who was using Rush to try out various types of possible super soldier formulas to either create an army of his own or to sell to the highest bidder ala AIM? Is he a retired hero himself trying to help where he can? Or is he just a medical man using a desparate man to try out some slightly unethical medical experiments - but with the patient's knowledge? Or a government scientist working on a super soldier formula with some deparment's approval and knowledge? Or any other reason the GM can come up with. He could be good, bad or somewhat neutral.

If the other's want to have fresh origins, he could become the catalyst as to how they got their powers.
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Post  Admin Fri Feb 22 2013, 03:19

Whizzing out to work but will have a good read at some point during today! Cheers! Paul

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Post  DavidMcMahon Fri Feb 22 2013, 02:10

"I expected something but not quite this," the good doctor admitted. Both men were a bit shocked and amazed.

The next week was spent learning the limits to Rush's new powers. During that week, he tried to figure out what to do with the new powers he had. The one thing he did decide was he was bringing down the not so nice, very jealous boyfriend.

Using a combination of his acting skills, shapeshifting abilities and being able to look like anyone, he worked his way into the organization of the not so nice jealous boyfriend. He discovered that the man had filmed his torture and others as well. Disguising himself as the Invisible Man appeared in most movies with headbandages and gloves, the man now calling himself Anyman delivered the evidence he had gathered to the police, who promptly arrested the not so nice jealous boyfriend and all his not so nice very large men. At least those who appeared in the films.

So began the career of Anyman. Rush King appeared a few months later, claiming that he finally found a doctor who was able to come up with an experimental graft skin that healed him. He resumed his career with a bit of noteriety that always helps an actor get noticed.

ooc: not sure if supers have been on this new Earth we are going to be on for awhile or are a very recent event. So I glossed over the last bit of Anyman's actions. Also I think he should have a higher Detective skill than originally planned. While not a CSI type detective, he is more like the old fashion gum shoe who knows how to work the edges of the underworld and stoolies to gather information.
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Post  DavidMcMahon Fri Feb 22 2013, 01:38

Two days later, Rush was back and agreed to the treatment. He drank vile concoctions. He was bathed in strange colored rays. He slept in an isolation tank filled with strange liquid. He was injected with drugs and had his blood drawn daily. Two weeks of treatments. Some days he felt like he was burning up. Some days he felt like he could never get warm again. Some days he sweated amazing amounts. Other days he felt perfectedly fine. At the end of the 14th day, he slept but didn't wake up for another week. He awoke to find a himself in a comfortable bed and a needle from a tube in his arm, as well as being attached to something ... down there!

His movements set off an alarm and Dr. Praetorious came in quickly. He smiled when he saw Rush and then frowned at something. Rush didn't know why he both smiled and frowned at him.

"Think about the way you used to look," Dr. Praetorious ordered him to do. Rush did so, feeling a bit foolish and yet his body felt strange. After a few moment, the doctor nodded and handed a hand mirror to Rush. He looked and saw his features exactly as he remembered them!

The two men celebrated and then the doctor got serious again.

"Now think about what I look like," he said. Rush again felt foolish and felt something else strange inside him. "Now look in the mirror." Rush did and saw he was looking at Dr. Praetorious! His whole head had changed to look like the doctor!
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Post  DavidMcMahon Fri Feb 22 2013, 01:07

He recieved a letter in the mail from a Dr. Praetorious, who said he might be able to help him. He had read of Rush case in the newspaper andhad followed to bits of information as the crime moved further and further back into the papers before disappearing. Rush dialed the number listed in the letter and contact was made. An appointment was set.

The next day, Rush King found himself outside a smallish mansion outside of London. Once inside and the pleasantries finished, the examination began. All sorts of poking and prodding and blood samples and tissue samples taken and questions and more questions asked. He was asked to return in four days, after Dr. Praeorious had time to go over the lab results.

He was a nervous wreck during those four days. And then he returned to hear the news.

Dr. Praetorious explained that he was more than a medical doctor. He was also a geneticist and a few other things. HE thought he might cure Rush but he could promise a thing. That what he wanted to do was highly experimental and not approved by any medical board. It could heal all his wounds. It could kill him slowly and painfully. It could just make him sick to his stomach for a few days and do nothing more. It could turn him green for all Dr. Praetorious knew. But he thought that there was at least a fifty percet chance it would make Rush King ... better.

He wanted Rush to spend a few days thinking about and then deciding if he wanted to go through the highly unorthodox treatment, one that wasn't approved by any medical board, the good doctor re-emphasized.
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Post  DavidMcMahon Fri Feb 22 2013, 00:56

The bad news was that whatever acid was used on him had made it impossible for plastic surgery to repair most of the damage done to him. His face was ruined forever. His voice was now scratchy from the stress of screaming for hours, losing its mellow tones. His life as any kind of actor other than hideous monster types was over.

He wept.

A month or so later, he was released, head bandages, hands sensitive to touch in soft kid gloves. He thought he looked ridiculous, like the Invisible Man trying to hide his invisibility. He became bitter. He became desperate over the next few months. He tried to find any doctor who could tell him that they could help him. He failed everywhere he tried. His money was running out. He had no real job. He thought about turning back to the life of crime he had before becoming an actor but something inside him stopped him from doing so. It was more than just his conscience. He thought about it in the wee hours while waiting for doctors to begin their day so he could do another round of looking for hope. He finally decided that what finally stopped him from returning to crime to pay his bills was that it was criminals who did this to him. If he became like them, he would finally and totally lose to them. He refused to lose! He refused to give up hope.

And then Hope appeared.
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Post  DavidMcMahon Fri Feb 22 2013, 00:47

The cuts that the not quite nice, jealous boyfriend did were not so deep nor in such vital places that Rush was in danger of losing consciousness or even bleeding to death. The next part of the "explanation" is what really hurt him!

He placed goggles over Rush's eyes, strapping them on so that they could slide off. Then he set up a strange device over Rush's head. It was a bottle with some liquid in it. The bottle was attached to some sort of mechanical arm suspended from a frame on the ceiling. The mechanical arm moved randomly over the table that Rush was strapped to. At uncertain times, a drop of liquid would form and drop from the bottle. It landed on either Rush or the table he was strapped to. That liquid was a powerful acid!

Most of the time, the acid dropped onto his head but sometimes onto his body. The pain was indescribeable! They had to place a ballgag in his mouth to keep the acid from going down his screaming throat.

It seemed like it took centuries for the acid to all drop from the bottle but it was only a few hours. Hours of screaming. Hours of watching each drop forming and wondering where it would drop.

Even the drops of acid that hit the table eventually became enough drops that they pooled and ran into his sides and back, eating away at him there.

Finally, the pain and blood loss became too much for him and he passed out. He woke several weeks later, after an enforced coma by doctors, in a hospital, bandaged from head to toe. He was groggy for days, under the pain medication they gave him while his body healed as much as it could. The police came by and asked questions but he had no proof that he had been a victim of the not quite nice jealus boyfriend. Then, weeks later, he was told the bad news.
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Post  DavidMcMahon Fri Feb 22 2013, 00:18

Disater struck Rush King [actually his stage name, legally changing to it to help leave his past behind him] when he least expected it, as disasters are want to do.

He was at a club in London with some other actor friends and was partying when he started dancing with a beautiful girl there. There was a slight problem with doing this, but he didn't know it at the time. Turns out the club's owner was her boyfriend. Turns out, he was a jealous boyfriend. Turns out the jealous boyfriend also was part of an organization that did things that were not all quite legal - drugs, prostitution, identity theft, etc. So he was a not quite nice, jealous boyfriend who happened to have in his hire a number of very large, not quite nice men. And when he saw his girl sitting in a corner making out with Rush ... he politely asked his very large, not quite nice men to go and bring Rush King to his "Special" office, which was down in the basement of the club and was sound proof.

The not quite nice, very large men insisted quite physical to Rush that he needed to come with them. They took him downstairs where he was placed onto what turned out to be the same kind of table autopsy are done on. They used very big and very sharp knives to cut away his clothes once he chained to the table. Then the very jealous, not quite nice boyfriend came in and "Explained" to Rush exactly why he was in that position. This "explanation" took a number of hours, as the not quite nice, jealous boyfriend enjoyed that kind of thing. Having discovered he was an actor, he made sure that Rush's body would always have a number of very interesting scars all over it courtesy of the knives that were in his office.

Then he did the cruelest thing of all.
Cosmic Level

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Post  DavidMcMahon Fri Feb 22 2013, 00:05

Anyman's New Origin Cont.
Rush got in a bunch of local commericals and voice overs for radio commercials. He got a few small parts on a couple of TV shows and two direct to video slasher movies - being one of the kids killed early on in the flicks.

Then he got a lucky break. He stumbled on an audition for a part in a British Dramedy [comedy/drama] and won the role. Of course, this meant he had to go to England to do the part but his parents decided even though he was six months shy of his eighteenth birthday, to let him go and "find himself". For a little over two years he played the role of a slightly dense American Foreign Exchange Student at the British equivalent of high school.

He had great lines like:
"Wow! It's amazing! You guys speak English almost as good as Americans do! Who taught you?" [first episode]
"Wait a minute! You spent all day riding a Lori with your dad? That's sick man! Girl doing you and your father at the same time! Can I have her phone number?" [nineteenth episode]

After he finished his part in the show, he had enough acting credits that producers started recognizing him or at least some of the things he did. He drifted between America and England, taking what parts he could, for the next few years. He slowly worked his way up the cast credits shown at the end of some pretty popular movies. He was up to the "Also Starring" level, just below Co-Starring and the big one - Starring!

ooc: site is acting up, I write more than this, the screen pops up to the top and I can't see what I'm writing so short messages now
Cosmic Level

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Post  DavidMcMahon Thu Feb 21 2013, 23:30

Okay. New World. New Origin for Anyman. Continuing the concept I had early on that he would be a different person in each world. Gone is Lance Allard. Say hello to Rush King! American.


Rush King was a juvenile deliquent. Rush knew his dad was an engineer of some kind who worked all over the world. He would be gone for 6-8 months at a time, then come home for a couple of months and then gone again on another job somewhere in the world. His mom had her own circle of friends and a job that kept her out of the house 25-30 hours a week. So Rush had to raise himself basically and he did a poor job of it. Not getting much attention at home, he got into trouble ... a lot. When he became a teenager, he fell into a group of slightly older boys who seemed to like him and became a juvenile delinquint. He started breaking into homes and stealing cars. He tried experimenting with drugs but didn't like them and stayed away from them after that brief fling with them.

He got caught ... eventually. Big mistake on his part, he thought. He didn't know he was breaking into an assintant D.A.'s home, who had a better security system than any he had come across before. He wound up going to Juvenile Hall for six months, because he was a minor and couldn't be sent to prison. He became a bit hardened in Juvie. He also learned some new tricks from the older boys about security systems, contacts in the "underworld", the best fences, how to disable the tracking systems the more expensive cars were now carrying, etc.

He got out and went back to his old ways but added a few new twists like pickpocketing. When he was sixteen, he was caught again and sent back into Juvie for a year this time, where he learned more new tricks.

This time, he got a counselor there who thought he might be able to save Rush from his life of self-destruction. Since it was winter time, he gave the boy a choice ... head out and pick up trash along the roadside in freezing weather with most of the other boys ... or ... try his hand at acting in a play the local playhouse was putting on. They needed a juvenile for a role in the play. Not a big role but a good starting role for an inexperienced boy.

Not wanting to freeze and figuring it was a cushy way to spend his time in Juvie, he took up Mr. Redburn's offer. Of course, he had to wear an ankle bracelet that let them know where he was at all times and would go off if he went more than a block from the locations that were programmed into it and he also discovered that Mr. Redburn was also the producer and director of the play. Which meant Mr. Redburn was constantly watching him.

He sneered at the other actors. He learned his lines, got the praise when he did good, yelled at when he did bad or seemed to slack off. Mr. Redburn was a real hard case when it came to acting. Everything changed Opening Night. For the first time in his life, he got approval from adults. He got cheers and laughter when his lines were funny and nods of approval when his lines were serious or sad. And he got to be a part of the first standing ovation in his life. And as each actor stepped out to take the individual bows from the line up, he was amazed to find many people clapping harder when he stepped forward.

He was bit by the Acting Bug! HARD!!! And Mr. Redburn saw it.

Mr. Redubrn, after the play was over, sat the boy down and explained that his current life would prevent him from ever becoming an actor people would approve of. He would have to straighten out his life if he wanted more applause, more approval. Rush agreed but didn't know what to do to become a "real" actor.

Luckily, Mr. Redburn's sister happened to be a retired juvenile actress who ran an acting school and had contacts in Hollywod still, including her old agent. IF Rush kept his nose clean the rest of the time in Juvie and worked hard at his school work there, he would introduce the boy to his sister. But if he continued being a "bad boy", he would never help him reach for a dream Rush ahd just discovered.

Rush changed after that. He worked and raised his grades up. He stayed away from the badest of the bad boys in Juvie. Which got him beat up a few times but he had learned how to fight just like all the other boys did and held his own in those fights.

And then he got out of Juvie and went back to his normal high school and finished out that school year, keeping his nose clean, and also getting involved in the Spring Play. His mother even came to the play and praised the boy for the first time that he could remember!

That summer, Mr. Redburn introduced him to his sister, who had starred in a pretty popular teen show on Disney ten years back. He did so well that summer, the Mr. Redburn and his sister, Millie Powers, convinced his mom to let him do his senior year at her acting school. Three months in, she felt he was ready to do some small roles.

continued in a bit
Cosmic Level

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Post  DavidMcMahon Thu Feb 21 2013, 13:40

Just taking a quick look at skills before heading out to see a client but skill-wise, looks like Lance Allard, Actor and one time bad boy would have something like:

Artist 3-5 [actor subset with singing and dancing as well]
Detective - I think a very basic level of this since he played a few of them in the past and has some idea how they look for clues as a result.
Thief [not forgery or escape artist] 2-4 [he was a bit of a bad boy when younger]

Power-wise, I think we are looking at:
Skin Armor
and strength

Working on a revamped origin for him as well. Should have it thought out by tonight.

Cosmic Level

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Post  Admin Fri Oct 26 2012, 23:05

Fair enough - we play in a free form sandbox kind of game where the characters can do anything, go anywhere (within reason) which can leave too much choice so as to feel like having no clear choice at all. It's the balance I've tried to strike between railroading and 'do what you like!' but it's a fine one and sometimes a little railroad or at least a few options will keep things flowing. I'll sort something out Smile

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Post  Steeple_jackuk Fri Oct 26 2012, 08:47

Admin wrote:I know Ross/Smaug is having a few problems with real life stuff so will keep things moving by posting today and getting Anyman on the move again. Also watch out for something new on the Lore Knights front (should be later on today - day off! Yay!)

Though Ross has had an issue that has been ongoing, nonetheless he texted yesterday me to say, "What do you think I should do?" I texted back suggesting that he basically ask for help. I think its fair to say Ross is happier with a more direct approach. Otherwise one can end up with analysis paralysis, as indeed I have done before now as well. So I think that his not posting right now, is down to him wanting to offer a way forward, but being unsure as to what that should be.

Your last post in the Lionheart thread, moved things along nicely, presenting a clear cut decision, but not limiting me to that decision, that I think is the right approach with Ross. That way he can just go with the flow or when he has an alternative idea, just throw it in.

Just my 2p worth.

Cosmic Level

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Post  Admin Fri Oct 26 2012, 08:24

I know Ross/Smaug is having a few problems with real life stuff so will keep things moving by posting today and getting Anyman on the move again. Also watch out for something new on the Lore Knights front (should be later on today - day off! Yay!)

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Post  DavidMcMahon Fri Sep 14 2012, 12:14

Just make a new Putty/Anyman. Just like DC revamped Green Lantern, Flash and others from the golden age to the silver age. Totally different person. That's what I'm looking at. Of course, that was my plan sort of from the start - anytime we go to a new time period/alternate earth, we get a new Putty. Very Happy

Fifties really were a time of the Red Menace [bomb shelters, spies and atomic war] and the Space Race [the golden age of schlocky sci-fi movies] and that could become a bit redundant. Just thought I would throw it out. Not sure how it affected Britain during those years but since it was Churchill who came up with the phrase 'the Iron Curtain' ....
Cosmic Level

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